Rules & Regulations

  • Prospectus and Registration forms for admission from Playgroup to Class IX are available in the School office from the first week of March of the current year on payment of Rs.200/-
  • These forms duly filled, alongwith, Date of Birth Certificate, Photocopy of last Report Card (when required), must be returned to the School office, within the stipulated period.
  • Admission will depend directly on the Principal, who may accept or reject any admission form without assigning any reason.
  • Candidates selected for admission will deposit the admission fees, and Transfer Certificates in Original (wherever applicable) by the stipulated date or the admission will stand rejected.
  • As register attendance is an important requirement for successful results, a written application for leave must be submitted well in advance. In case of illness and other unforeseen circumstances, the guardian should inform the Principal in writing as soon as possible. A minimum attendance of 90% of the total working days is required during the academic year, falling short of which the student will not be allowed to take part in the examination that year.
  • The name of a student who is absent for continuous 15 days without approved leave shall be struck off the roll. On re- admission, admission fee of Rs. 100/- will be charged Rs. 1/- per day will be charged as "Absence Fine"
  • A student whose name has been struck off for absence without applicable leave or being persistently careless or indiscipline may not be allowed re-admission to the school.
  • Every student must be present on the reopening day after each vacation.
  • It is advisable to ensure that student is not disturbed during examination days and is not asked to attend family functions.
  • No student can leave the school premises during school hours without any written permission of the Principal, which may be granted under exceptional circumstances, based on a written request of parents.
  • The Principal has the right to rusticate a student. The Principal may also ask parents/guardians to withdraw their child from the School if his/her conduct or educational progress is not satisfactory.
  • All entries of absence, late or half day leave should be made in the school diary and not on sheets of paper
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